Saturday, December 23, 2006

Thankful for friendships

I know in general that I forget to be thankful (Rom 1:21) for a great many things. And I believe it is this attitude that gives an unlimited soure of power to my flesh , because it thrives on discontent, grumbling and self-pity/pleasure. It is thankfulness and appreciation for what God has done for us that quenches the fire of lust (Prov 27:19-20).
But all that to say the biggest thing I'm thankful for (or the thing I forget to appreciate the most) are the people God has put in my life. Friends, family, co-workers, brothers and sisters in Christ - they have all been instrumental in shaping me and forming my thoughts, conscience, world view and perspective on life and God. I think I can safely say that I am who I am because of who God has put in my life - I always have someone to go to. And I am so very thankful...
Pray that I would not forget.

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