Sunday, September 2, 2007

Seth's progress

I just finished the 1st part of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. I'm pretty sure it's slightly above my reading level, but I'm enjoying it so far. I don't know where I see myself in the book just yet, but I have been deeply moved many times through the course of my reading. Unfortunately I guess my strongest personal identification has been with the negative characters of the book like Ignorance and Temporary. I'm feel like I'm slowly slipping from a growing desire for God into a growing desire for worldly things. I am definitely lacking in fellowship, personal time with God, self-control and purity. I need help! Two weeks ago I was praying and desiring for a consistent walk and bed time - that lasted about a day and a half. I guess I get to start over again tomorrow. (Lam 3:23, Lk 14:33).

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Bodily excercise profiteth little...

I had a co-worker at a former job that whenever the topic of health, excercise, dieting, etc. came up he would remind us of the scriptural truth that "bodily excercise profiteth little"... and he's right that is at least a biblical phrase, but it's the second half of the verse that makes the point - "but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." (1 Tim 4:8) Tonight I've had to reflect on this verse as I'm preparing to start an intense 90-day workout (bodily excercise) program. Unfortunately I don't think I have the gumption and endurance to begin this exercise program tomorrow (today) as I had planned. Due to my recent lack of "spiritual exercise" and lack of the godliness that is profitable to all things - I know in my heart that I need to start with my walk with the Lord. So I'm skipping the workout videos for now and focusing on getting my true "core" into shape. I can't even fathom my actual need for God right now or my deep deep need for brokenness. Pray for repentance (metanoia = change mind) - I need a "changed mind".

Sunday, August 12, 2007

design and content

I've decided to re-attempt creating a website. My previous tries have lacked two major components: design and content. This time I have a better feel for what I want "to make" and a little more spare time than I've had in the past. One thing that is big for me is HTML standardization - I pretty much hand code everything (in VIM) and so I'm very "code focused" or in this case "markup focused". I also don't like testing my code on 18 different browsers, so I'm trying to follow standards to the T. I'm hoping this project will give me a better understanding of current fundamentals in HTML, DOM, JavaScript, etc., to help me in my day job as a ColdFusion/Flex programmer. If you want to check on my progress, you can visit

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Happy New Half-Year

What a year it has been! Over the last 12 months I've had some of the most memorable experiences of my life. I have a lot to reflect back on and be thankful for and a lot to look forward to in the coming months and years. Tonight I'm just glad to be reminded that God is in control of every situation. This image is the last ever "Calvin and Hobbes" comic strip printed back in 1995. (Interestingly, and in case you didn't know, the strip is named after John Calvin and Thomas Hobbes of the Reformation). I know I've been given a fresh clean slate. I don't know what's next, but I know there's nothing to worry about ... now ... Let's Go Exploring!

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

I feel sheepish

Ps 23:1 - The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.

I read this scripture today and was really encouraged by the phrase "I shall not want" - I think it's the Lord's desire for me to be "not wanting". And I think sin is simply the outworking of "wrong wants". Another way to say the same verse is "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not lust". When I make God the shepherd of my life, I'm no longer bound to lusting for evil things.

To me Ps 23 demonstrates what "walking in the Spirit" was like for David. Gal 5:16 says "...Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." As David walked in the spirit under the headship of Jesus Christ he experienced what it was like to lie down in green pastures, walk beside still waters and have his soul restored.

There was also complete peace in the presence of his enemies. As we continue to fight our enemies which include our flesh and Satan's kingdom - it's again the Holy Spirit that will give us the victory in battle and peace during the storm.

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."